Career Profile

Restoring natural landscapes through learning, sharing, and opening spaces for discussion. I believe in the power of syntrophic production systems, environmentally friendly technologies and practical educational processes with innovative theoretical foundations that allow a conscious and harmonious interaction between humans and nature


Student, PhD in Forestry

2019 - Current
University of British Columbia
  • Research topic: “Smallholder Farmers in Mexico and their Role in Landscape Restoration”

Ms. in Rural Development, Food Security and Family Agriculture

2015 - 2018
Universidad Autonoma Chapingo (UACH).
  • Thesis: Water Management and its Relation with the Development of the Community of Yoactun, Quintana Roo.
  • Degree project: Auxiliary irrigation and livestock farming systems Kool-Ja (translates to Water for the Milpa in Mayan).

Certification in Management of Tropical Forests, and Landscape Restoration

CATIE. Centro Agronómico Tropical de Investigación y Enseñanza

BSc in Mathematics

2008 - 2013
Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico (UNAM)
  • Thesis: Tree shifts and automata.
  • Specialization: Logic, Set Theory, Dynamic Systems and Topology


Here is a list and hyperlinks to a selection of my publications that are available in the web. I also write about diverse topics in my blog

  • PhD in Forestry dissertation (see links)
  • Pablo González Moctezuma, Jeanine Rhemtulla
    3 Minute Thesis video for an overview (2023)
  • Defining, counting and locating small farms in Mexico to measure their contributions to agricultural production
  • Gonzalez-Moctezuma Pablo, Ramankutty Navin, Rhemtulla Jeanine M.
    In progress
  • How is forest cover affected by large scale agroforestation interventions? A case study using the Sembrando Vida policy in Mexico
  • Gonzalez-Moctezuma Pablo, Rufin Phillipe, Meyfroidt Patrick, Noack Frederick, Rhemtulla Jeanine M.
    In progress
  • Guiding principles for transdisciplinary and transformative fire research
  • Copes-Gerbitz Kelsey, Sutherland Ira J., Dickson-Hoyle Sarah, Baron Jennifer N. ,Gonzalez-Moctezuma Pablo ,Crowley Morgan A. ,Kitchens Katherine A. ,Devisscher Tahia, Burr Judith
    Fire Ecology (2024)
  • Milpas de las comunidades mayas y dinámica de uso del suelo en la Península de Yucatán (see links)
  • Adolfo Rodríguez Canto, Pablo González Moctezuma, Jorge Flores Torres, Rutilio Nava Montero, Luis Antonio Dzib Aguilar, Juan Ramón Pérez Pérez, Nadja Thüerbeck y José Antonio González Iturbe
    Centro Regional Universitario Península de Yucatán de la Universidad Autónoma Chapingo, Agencia de los Estados Unidos para el Desarrollo Internacional (USAID) Proyecto México para la Reducción de Emisiones por deforestación y degradación (M-REDD+), The Nature Conservancy, Rainforest Alliance, Woods Hole Research Center, Espacios Naturales y Desarrollo Sustentable AC (2016)
  • Resumen Ejecutivo. Milpas de las comunidades mayas y dinámica de uso del suelo en la Península de Yucatán
  • Adolfo Rodríguez Canto, Pablo González Moctezuma, Jorge Flores Torres, Rutilio Nava Montero, Luis Antonio Dzib Aguilar, Juan Ramón Pérez Pérez, Nadja Thüerbeck y José Antonio González Iturbe
    Centro Regional Universitario Península de Yucatán de la Universidad Autónoma Chapingo, Agencia de los Estados Unidos para el Desarrollo Internacional (USAID) Proyecto México para la Reducción de Emisiones por deforestación y degradación (M-REDD+), The Nature Conservancy, Rainforest Alliance, Woods Hole Research Center, Espacios Naturales y Desarrollo Sustentable AC (2016)
  • Capítulo Sexto. La gestión del agua y su relación con el desarrollo de la comunidad de Yoactún, Quintana Roo, desde su fundación hasta hoy. En Agricultura Multifuncional y Políticas Públicas en México
  • Pablo González Moctezuma y Adolfo Rodríguez Canto en libro coordinado por Miguel Ángel Sámano Rentería y Julio Baca del Moral.
    Universidad Autónoma Chapingo (2017)
  • Reporte Anual 2018. Programa Regional de Biol y Biogás para la Península de Yucatán.
  • Pablo Gonzalez Moctezuma
    Instituto Internacional de Recursos Renovables A.C (2018)
  • Reporte Anual 2017. Programa Regional de Biol y Biogás para la Península de Yucatán.
  • Pablo Gonzalez Moctezuma
    Instituto Internacional de Recursos Renovables A.C (2017)
  • Estudio de dos casos contrastantes en el Municipio de Bacalar, Quintana Roo.
  • Gonzalez M. P., Castillo L. E., Chavarrea C. M. E., Interian S. C. V., Zapata P. F., Díaz V. J., Pech P. F. J., Hernández M. S. A. coordinados por Flores T. J.
    Universidad Autónoma Chapingo (2015)
  • Poema a Milpas Mayas (see links)
  • Pablo González Moctezuma
    Cuadernos Personales (2016)
  • Infografía. El Ciclo de la Milpa Maya Peninsular (Kóol)
  • Pablo González Moctezuma. Diseño por Ángel Javier Morales Casanova
    Centro Regional Universitario Península de Yucatán de la Universidad Autónoma Chapingo, Agencia de los Estados Unidos para el Desarrollo Internacional (USAID) Proyecto México para la Reducción de Emisiones por deforestación y degradación (M-REDD+), The Nature Conservancy, Rainforest Alliance, Woods Hole Research Center, Espacios Naturales y Desarrollo Sustentable AC (2017)
  • Infografía. ¿Qué Milpa Es Esa?
  • Pablo González Moctezuma. Diseño por Ángel Javier Morales Casanova
    Centro Regional Universitario Península de Yucatán de la Universidad Autónoma Chapingo, Agencia de los Estados Unidos para el Desarrollo Internacional (USAID) Proyecto México para la Reducción de Emisiones por deforestación y degradación (M-REDD+), The Nature Conservancy, Rainforest Alliance, Woods Hole Research Center, Espacios Naturales y Desarrollo Sustentable AC (2017)
  • Infografía. Información Estratégica Sobre la Milpa
  • Pablo González Moctezuma. Diseño por Ángel Javier Morales Casanova
    Centro Regional Universitario Península de Yucatán de la Universidad Autónoma Chapingo, Agencia de los Estados Unidos para el Desarrollo Internacional (USAID) Proyecto México para la Reducción de Emisiones por deforestación y degradación (M-REDD+), The Nature Conservancy, Rainforest Alliance, Woods Hole Research Center, Espacios Naturales y Desarrollo Sustentable AC (2017)
  • Infografía. Las Buenas Prácticas Milperas y la Estrategia REDD+ para la Milpa
  • Pablo González Moctezuma. Diseño por Ángel Javier Morales Casanova
    Centro Regional Universitario Península de Yucatán de la Universidad Autónoma Chapingo, Agencia de los Estados Unidos para el Desarrollo Internacional (USAID) Proyecto México para la Reducción de Emisiones por deforestación y degradación (M-REDD+), The Nature Conservancy, Rainforest Alliance, Woods Hole Research Center, Espacios Naturales y Desarrollo Sustentable AC (2017)
  • Restoration upscaling trades-off multiple objectives and operability
  • Gonzalez-Moctezuma Pablo (Presenter), Rhemtulla Jeanine M
    Invited speaker at Global Development Network Conference on Biodiversity and Sustainable Development, Quito, Ecuador (2023)
  • Will agroforestry-based restoration address poverty, biodiversity loss and deforestation? Preliminary insights from 450 thousand small farms in Mexico
  • Gonzalez-Moctezuma Pablo (Presenter), Rhemtulla Jeanine M
    Best Poster of Category Award (Transitioning to Viable Policies) at the World Agroforestry Conference, Quebec City, Canada (2022)
  • Diseño y Prueba de un Sistema de Captación de Lluvia para Riego de Milpa Maya Peninsular (see links)
  • Gonzalez M.P, Rodríguez C.A
    V Congreso Internacional y XIX Congreso Nacional de Ciencias Agronómicas (2017)
  • La Gestión del Agua y su Relación con el Desarrollo de la Comunidad de Yoactún, Quintana Roo
  • Pablo Gonzalez Moctezuma under supervision of Adolfo Rodríguez Canto
    Thesis for obtaining the Ms. degree in Rural Development Management, CRUPY, UACH (2017)
  • Los Shifts y Autómatas de Árboles
  • Pablo Gonzalez Moctezuma under supervision of Ricardo Gómez Aíza
    Thesis for obtaining the Bs. degree in Mathematics, Faculty of Sciences, UNAM (2014)


    Kool Ja Project Director

    2015 - Now

    Kool-Já began as a response to the water crisis in the Yucatan and has grown to become an open source project with more than 37 prototypes installed in the region.

    Data Architect and Salesforce Administrator


    Yucatan Peninsula Regional Coordinator

    2016 - 2019

    Project Coordinator and Fundraiser

    2016 - 2019
    • Grant writer
    • Project director: Appropriate rainwater collection ecotechnologies to strengthen food sovereignty in Eastern Yucatan - FGRA / W.K. Kellogg Foundation.

    Project Coordinator, Technician and Fundraiser

    2013 - 2018
    • Coordination of rural and urban projects
    • Grant writer
    • Project co-director: 50 rainwater collection systems for Oaxaca - FAHHO / La Casa de la Ciudad.


    This is a list of projects in which I have participated, click on the link to see the correspondent documentation

    Kool Ja (see links) - Kool Ja is the first alternative designed expressly for watering the peninsular Mayan Milpa allowing it to evolve into an agro-forestry system. It is composed by accessible infrastructure for rainwater harvesting that is installed in the highlands of the Milpa plots and has the capacity to store from 5 to 50m3 of water that are capable of providing assistance irrigation, alleviating water scarcity, thus avoiding loss due to drought, which is one of the serious problems faced by peninsular agriculture nowadays
    Mapping the Damage of Tehuantepec Isthmus Earthquake - After a great magnitude earthquake hit the Coastal Region of Oaxaca, assembled a fast response team to fly a Phantom 4 drone over the village of Ixtaltepec to make a profile high definition map of the damage.
    Oaxaca Ethnobotanical Garden Math Classes - Individually motivated to develop a two-month mathematics workshops for high-school students so that they would enjoy mathematics and discover the value and application of the field in simple and complex problem-solving. Hosted in a botanical garden, problems were created and solved in the field.
    Rainwater Collection Systems in Santa Rosa, Oaxaca - NGO Isla Urbana has designed a rainwater catchment system based in the first flow separation to purify rain that falls on rooftops and store it with human use quality. The systems can provide drinking water yearlong for more than 40 years to entire families or supply water for human use over 6 months.Designer of a project to raise funds to extend the initiative to Oaxaca. First stage consisted on 50 systems installed in houses of a poor neighborhood during the month of August 2015 funded by the Alfredo Harp Helú Foundation.Second stage consisted on a purification plant for a breast cancer hospital that has allowed the institution to fund their operation through the commercialization of high quality purified water. This stage also included 8 non-subsidized installations to individual clients.
    Data for Public Policy: La cruzada nacional contra el hambre, PESA and the synergies to strengthen them (CONACYT - UACH) - For this project I was in charge of designing, training, monitoring, mining and analyzing all research databases through KoboCollect and Qlik web platforms for data collection in 24 communities in 6 states of the country, generating recommendations for the design of public policy in hunger and poverty reduction.
    U Ka' Muuk' Lu'um Agroecotechnology Research and Bioslurry Collection Centre - Along with great collaborators (Angélica Bravo Anaya, Jorge Alfredo Pérez, Leonardo Gutiérrez, Don Genaro Euán, Jairo Torres) led the evolution of the Yucatan Regional Biogas Program (RBPY) into an integral agroecological learning center, which went beyond ecotechnology implementation to a capacity-building and technical assistance program for regional smallholder farmers. Translated the chemistry and biology principles of the biodigester byproducts (biogas and bioslurry) and adapted them to the agricultural practices, social and economic challenges of local farmers through an engaging 10-hour training that benefitted almost 100 families in its first year of implementation.

    Skills & Proficiency

    Grant Prospection and Fundraising

    MS Office Suite


    Google Earth Engine

    R Software


    PC General Knowledge and Troubleshooting